Category: Who We Serve

Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church endeavors to implement our mission to “carry out Jesus Christ’s directive to make disciples by strengthening relationships between God and all people” within our congregation, in the Longmont community and in the world mission field. We would love to have you involved too!

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The Round Pantry

The Round Pantry is an agency member of the Community Food Share and offers outside touchless delivery of free food for individuals and families…

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Lutheran Bible Translators

Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church has added Lutheran Bible Translators (LBT) to our world mission focus. Lutheran Bible Translators’ mission is to make God’s…

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Crossroads School

The Mission The mission of Crossroads School is to assist students who have experienced academic and/or behavioral struggles in traditional schools to reach their…

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Habitat for Humanity of the St. Vrain Valley

Christ Our Savior has been a part of the Habitat story for many years.  We designate Habitat as one of our local mission projects. …

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Our Center

OUR CENTER HISTORY OUR Center, founded in 1986, grew out of the Longmont Ministerial Association.  Church leaders realized that those in need were turning…

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Guatemala Mission

Christ Our Savior sent mission teams to Choval, Guatemala for five years. We were blessed to have supported the construction of a community meeting…